Currently, Taylor is an assistant audio producer for The Washington Post’s morning news podcast "The 7." She also produces for the flagship daily podcast “Post Reports.”

Taylor’s always loved two fields: science and journalism. In high school, she remembers holding the same excitement for her biology courses as her freelance writing for local newspapers on Cape Cod. Since then, Taylor’s worked in various roles and gained many transferable skills within these two fields. She’s conducted research in laboratories, reported stories for science news outlets, managed science policy tasks for OSTP and other federal science agencies, and produced podcasts about subjects ranging from the news to romantic relationships.

Taylor received her B.S. in Biology with a minor in Journalism from Suffolk University. In 2020, she received her M.A. in Journalism from New York University’s Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP). Through this program, she advanced her skills in writing news stories and long-form features, creating multimedia stories and podcasts, and programming data-driven projects.

In 2022, she produced and hosted an episode for Gimlet Media's "Science Vs.” She led listeners through her reporting about a critical medical tool — the EEG — and how its failed Black patients for decades. She also produced episodes for Gilded Audio's "Built for Change” and NPR member station WUNC's "Dating While Gray.”

Taylor has also written for various news outlets and communications departments. Her work has been published in NOVA GBH, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, GenomeWeb, Undark, and more.

When she's not working, Taylor enjoys many things: nature walks, visiting her hometown on Cape Cod, spending time with friends, reading self-help books, and watching psychological thrillers.

Taylor White is a science journalist and audio producer based in Washington, DC.

LOVE of AUDIO: My first radio experience was in the middle of a blizzard. It was 2015. I was a little high-schooler. And I was standing outside a Stop & Shop in Woods Hole, MA — asking shoppers a somewhat personal question: How did they find love?

Valentine's Day had just passed, and I was making a Vox Pop project for a one-week Transom Teen workshop. Talking to these shoppers, I remember feeling both awkward and fearless going up to these strangers. With frozen and shivering hands, I was trying to hold on to my microphone and recorder. I had a runny nose and only a few pieces of tissue in my pocket. I was also getting rejected by some people I approached — and that hurt. But I had never felt so much fear and excitement all at the same time! And when it was time to string all the responses together with editing and sound design, I loved this experience. Making this story for the ear — I wanted to do it all again. I was in my element and felt audio calling my name.

In college, I explored audio more by starting a pop culture show and science show through Suffolk Free Radio. Later, I discovered my love for audio journalism while taking an audio class at NYU and then interning at Gimlet Media’s “Science Vs”.

My Beginnings — and The Journey